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Research monographs and edited volumes

In Press. Brown, Joshua and Marinella Caruso (eds).“La bontà infinita ha sì gran braccia”. Essays in Honour of John J. Kinder. Florence: Franco Cesati.

2024. Auer, Anita and Joshua Brown (eds). Special Issue of Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics on "The Role of Merchants in Language Standardisation" 10(2). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


2023. Petrocchi, Alessandra and Joshua Brown. Languages and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in Renaissance Italy. Late Medieval and Early Modern Series, 30. Turnhout: Brepols. x + 433 pp. ISBN: 9782503601816. ISSN: 24065463.


2017. Brown, Joshua. Early evidence for Tuscanisation in the letters of Milanese merchants in the Datini Archive, Prato, 1396-1402. Classe di Lettere, Scienze Morali e Storiche, vol. XLVI. (Milan: Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere), x + 391 pp.

ISBN 9788898634101.


2014. Kinder, John J. and Joshua J. Brown. Canon Raffaele Martelli in Western Australia 1853-1864: life and letters. (Northcote, Victoria: Morning Star), iv + 334 pp.

ISBN: 9781925208498.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Forthcoming. Brown, Joshua. Trade networks. In Bridget Drinka, Terttu Nevalainen, Gijsbert Rutten (Eds). Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics. Vol. 2. Macro-level Social Motivations for Language Change. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Under Review. Brown, Joshua. Multilingual merchant writing in Renaissance Italy: vernacularisation in Datini and Cotrugli in the shadow of Latin, 1396-1458. Special issue of Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics on “Historical Multilingualism in Europe: Transitioning from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period” ed. by Anna Havinga and Delia Schipor.

Under Review. Never Ask, Never Apologise: Politeness strategies in Italian merchant letters between London, Milan, Florence, 1392-1410. Special issue of Journal of Historical Pragmatics ed. by Petra Sijpesteijn and Gijsbert Rutten.


In Press. Brown, Joshua. Processes of Supralocalisation in Renaissance Italy: on the spread of Tuscan -iamo in Milan and Venice. In Anita Auer, Moragh Gordon, and Tino Oudesluijs (Eds). Exploring Supralocalisation Processes: Linguistic variation in Early Modern urban and regional spaces. Advances in Historical Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press

In Press. Brown, Joshua and Marinella Caruso. In honour of John J. Kinder: La bontà infinita ha sì gran braccia. In Joshua Brown and Marinella Caruso (Eds). “La bontà infinita ha sì gran braccia”. Essays in Honour of John J. Kinder. Florence: Franco Cesati .


In Press. Brown, Joshua. The search for the infinite in random episodes of Italian culture. In Joshua Brown and Marinella Caruso (Eds). “La bontà infinita ha sì gran braccia”. Essays in Honour of John J. Kinder. Florence: Franco Cesati. 

In Press. Thomas, Bonnie, Marinella Caruso, Kati Tonkin, Joshua Brown, and Sabine Kuuse. “It’s the best way to learn”: Face-to-face attendance in university language courses. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 22(1).

2024. Brown, Joshua and Gianluca Colella. Condizionali controfattuali in italiano: norma, variazione e immaginario linguistico. La lingua italiana: storia, strutture, testi 20: 169-185. Online.

​​​2024. Harris, Amy, Joshua Brown and Anna Gadd. Echoes of Paradise: Analysing 21st century renderings of sound in Paradiso 30. Italiano LinguaDue 16(2): 802-815. PDF

2024. Brown, Joshua, Manuel Delicado Cantero, and Solène Inceoglu. Transitioning to university: online video resources for language students. In John J. Kinder, Nicola Fraschini, and Marinella Caruso (Eds). Enabling Learning: Language teaching for Australian universities. LCNAU Studies in Languages and Cultures. Canberra: ANU Press, pp.43-62. PDF


2024. Brown, Joshua. Dialect levelling and merchant writing in Renaissance Italy. Special issue of Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics on “The Role of Merchants in Language Standardisation” ed. by Anita Auer and Joshua Brown. 10(2): 197-223. PDF

2024. Brown, Joshua and Anita Auer. The role of merchants in language standardisation. Special issue of Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics on “The Role of Merchants in Language Standardisation” ed. by Anita Auer and Joshua Brown. 10(2): 183-196.

2024. Brown, Joshua. Lingua francas as evidence of standard language ideology in historical perspective. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. Online first. 1-29Online.


2024. Brown, Joshua. Digital approaches to multilingual text analysis: the Dictionnaire de la langue franque and its morphology as hybrid data in the past. In Lorella Viola and Paul Spence (Eds). Multilingual Digital Humanities. Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities. (London: Routledge), pp.213-229. PDF

2023. Harris, Amy, Joshua Brown and Anna Gadd. Heaven in the Secular Age: Translations of Paradiso 30 in the 21st century. Journal of Italian Translation 18(2): 15-56. PDF


2023. Brown, Joshua. Intra-writer variation and linguistic accommodation in the letters (1397-1402) of the Milanese merchant Giovanni da Pessano to the Datini network. In Markus Schiegg and Judith Huber (Eds). Intra-writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics. Studies on Language and Society in the Past, 5. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp.249-270. PDF

2023. Brown, Joshua. Historical linguistics and Italian at university. In Alberto Regagliolo (Ed). Italian as a Foreign Language: Teaching and Acquisition in Higher Education. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, pp.15-36. PDF

2023. Brown, Joshua. Whose language? Whose DH? Towards a taxonomy of definitional elusiveness in the digital humanities. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 38(2): 501-514. PDF

2023. Brown, Joshua. Untraced polymorphy and vernaculars in contact in Renaissance Italy. In Alessandra Petrocchi and Joshua Brown. Languages and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in Renaissance Italy. Late Medieval and Early Modern Series, 30. Turnhout: Brepols, pp.95-120. Online.

2023. Petrocchi, Alessandra and Joshua Brown. Languages and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in Renaissance Italy. In Alessandra Petrocchi and Joshua Brown (Eds). Languages and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in Renaissance Italy. Late Medieval and Early Modern Series, 30. Turnhout: Brepols, pp.11-32. Online.

2022. Bowles, Karissa and Joshua Brown. On the Transfer of Loanwords and Code-Intermediate Phenomena from English to Italian, 1392-1401. Italiano LinguaDue 14(2): 651-674. PDF

2022. Brown, Joshua, On the existence of a Mediterranean lingua franca and the persistence of language myths. In Karen Bennett and Angelo Cattaneo (Eds). Language Dynamics in the Early Modern Period. Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Translation in the Early Modern Period, 1. London: Routledge, pp.169-189. Online.

2021. Caruso, Marinella and Joshua Brown. L’italiano all’università tra aspirazioni di cittadinanza globale e il magnetismo dell’Italia contemporanea. In Antonia Rubino, Anna Rita Tamponi and John Hajek (Eds). L’italiano in Australia: lingua e cultura nell’attuale panorama dell’insegnamento dell’italiano / Italian in Australia. Perspectives and Trends in the Teaching of Language and Culture. Florence: Franco Cesati, pp.115-132 PDF


2021. Brown, Joshua, Women’s Literacy in a Late Medieval Religious Community: Organisation and Memorialization at Santa Marta in Milan, 1405-1454. Journal of Religious History 45(3): 435-454. Online.

2020. Brown, Joshua, Towards the elaboration of a diastratic model in historical analyses of koineization. Sociolinguistic Studies 14(4): 505-529. PDF.

2020. Brown, Joshua. Language history from below. Standardization and Koineization in Renaissance Italy. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 6(1): 1-28. PDF

2019. Brown, Joshua. Una memoria quattrocentesca in volgare lombardo. Invited contribution to the journal La lingua italiana: storia, strutture, testi 15: 57-73. PDF


2019. Brown, Joshua, Marinella Caruso, Klara Arvidsson, and Fanny Forsberg Lundell. On ‘Crisis’ and the Pessimism of Disciplinary Discourse in Foreign Languages. An Australian perspective. Moderna språk 113(2): 40-58. PDF

2018. Brown, Joshua. Il contatto linguistico nel tardo medioevo lombardo. Revista de Filología Románica 35: 103-118. PDF


2018. Brown, Joshua. and Federica Verdina. Managing expectations: a case study of sessional staff in languages and cultures education in Australian universities. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice 6(1): 19-27. PDF


2017. Brown, Joshua. The Influence of Milan on the Development of the Lombard Koinè in Fifteenth-Century Italy: the letters of Elisabetta of Pavia. Quaderni d’Italianistica 38(1): 131-151. PDF

2017. Caruso, Marinella. and Joshua Brown. Continuity in foreign language education in Australia? The Language Bonus plan. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 40(3): 280-310. PDF

2017. Brown, Joshua. Multilingual Merchants: the multilingual network of a 14th century Tuscan merchant: Francesco di Marco Datini and his correspondence. In Esther-Miriam Wagner, Bettina Beinhoff and Ben Outhwaite (Eds). Merchants of Innovation. The languages of traders. Studies in Language Change, 15. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp.235-251. PDF

2016. Brown, Joshua. and Marinella Caruso. Access Granted: Modern Languages and Issues of Accessibility at University. A case study from Australia. Language Learning in Higher Education 6(2): 453-471. PDF

2015. Caruso, Marinella and Joshua Brown. Broadening units to broadened horizons: The impact of New Courses 2012 on enrolments in Italian at the University of Western Australia. Babel 50(1): 24-37. PDF

2015. Brown, Joshua. Testimonianze di una precoce toscanizzazione nelle lettere commerciali del mercante milanese Francesco Tanso in Archivio Datini. Forum Italicum 49(3): 683-714. PDF


2014. Caruso, Marinella and Joshua Brown. Innovative translation. Dubbing films in Italian with iMovie. In Catherine Travis, John Hajek, Colin Nettelbeck, Elizabeth Beckmann and Anya Lloyd-Smith (Eds). Practices and Policies: Current Research in Languages and Cultures Education. Sydney: Office for Learning and Teaching, pp.507-518. PDF

2014. Brown, Joshua and Marinella Caruso. New Courses 2012: the impact on enrolments in Italian at the University of Western Australia. In Catherine Travis, John Hajek, Colin Nettelbeck, Elizabeth Beckmann and Anya Lloyd-Smith (Eds). Practices and Policies: Current Research in Languages and Cultures Education. Sydney: Office for Learning and Teaching, pp.39-53. PDF


2013. Brown, Joshua. Language variation in 15th century Milan: evidence of koineization in the letters (1397-1402) of the Milanese merchant Giovanni da Pessano. Italian Studies 68(1): 57-77. PDF

2012. Brown, Joshua. Evidence for early Tuscanisation in the commercial letters from the Milanese merchant Giovannino da Dugnano (?-1398) in the Datini Archive in Prato. Italica 89(4): 464-488. PDF

Reviews and non-refereed writing

2023. Review of: Daniela D’Eugenio. 2021. Paroimia: Brusantino, Florio, Sarnelli, and Italian Proverbs From the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures, 83). West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press. Published in: Renaissance Studies. 37(3): 439-441. Online


2022. Brown, Joshua. Preface. In Michael Curtotti (Ed.). Dante Under the Southern Cross. Australian reflections for the 700th anniversary of the passing of Dante Aligheri. Canberra: Dante Alighieri Society, pp.v-vii. PDF

2018. Review of: Michele Colombo (ed.). 2016. Passione Trivulziana. Armonia evangelica volgarizzata in milanese antico. Edizione critica e commentata, analisi linguistica e glossario (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 406). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Published in: Italian Studies 73(1): 114-116. PDF

2016. Review of: Stefano Girola (ed.). Report of Rosendo Salvado to Propaganda Fide in 1883 (Northcote, Victoria: Morning Star Publishing, 2015) in The Record. Available here.


2013. Brown, Joshua. Transcribing the Italian Correspondence of Canon Raffaele Martelli in the New Norcia Archives, 1853-1864. New Norcia Studies 21: 73-82. PDF


2013. Review of Elizabeth Tyler (ed.). Conceptualizing Multilingualism in Medieval England, c. 800-c.1250 (Brepols, Turnhout, 2012). Published in Parergon 30(2): 254-256.


2012. Review of Filippo Salvatore, “La presenza dell’italiano nel Canada francese”. In Identità e diversità nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana (Firenze: Cesati, 2007), pp.413-430. Published in Rivista italiana di dialettologia 35: 520.


2012. Review of Lorenzo Rocchi, “La lingua di chi è emigrato. Un’indagine tra la Sicilia e l’Inghilterra”, Altreitalie, pp.129-156. Published in Rivista italiana di dialettologia 35: 510.


2011. Report on Australasian Centre for Italian Studies-Cassamarca Scholarship, in Italy under the Southern Cross, ed. Gino Moliterno and David Moss, Panada Press, p.262.


2008. Review of Richard Freadman, This Crazy Thing a Life, Perth, UWA Press. Published in Limina: a journal of historical and cultural studies 14: 150-151.


“Online Database of Mediterranean Lingua Franca”. 
This database allows users to verify quickly whether their data finds correspondences within MLF. It has been designed as a resource for scholars working on MLF in order to verify whether the data they are working on has been recorded previously as belonging to the Mediterranean Lingua Franca, and in which documents. The database has been designed for those who wish a digital approach to multilingual text analysis, and as an open-source software for research into historical Italian and other Romance languages:


“Mapping the Mediterranean Lingua Franca”.

This project provides a comprehensive data source for forms of language termed the “Mediterranean Lingua Franca” throughout Europe’s history. This project maps the various linguistic forms, sources, and places of language which has been termed “lingua franca” across the Mediterranean. Using the online software Recogito it provides a comprehensive database of linguistic forms which can be easily searched for LF forms. Software used in project:

“How much future is in the past? Language Variation through OCR / HTR”.

Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) / Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) technologies to measure verb morphology: will, shal(l), intend(s), (vb + about to), (vb + going to), do you to wit(t) [witt is Middle English verb ‘know’] as well as cases of other tenses and moods, such as future perfect (will have + pp), future continuous (will be + vb-ing), future perfect continuous (will have been + vb-ing) and conditionality should, may.  Software used in project: Transkribus (

Media and Blog posts

2024. SBS Italian radio interview on “Sindaco sì, sindaca no? Linguaggio inclusivo o “ampio”, il caso dell’italiano”. Other guest: Professor Vera Gheno. Available at: 

2023. SBS Italian radio interview on "Queering the Italian Language, il dibattito per una lingua più inclusiva". Available at: 

2022. Newspaper Il Globo article on National Teachers of Italian Conference held at UWA, “Una giornata di formazione e condivisione”. Available at:

2021. SBS Italian radio interview about screening of “Visioni sarde” in Canberra.

Available at:

2021. Newspaper Unione sarda article on “Visioni sarde” in Canberra.

Available at:

2020. Discovering humanity in triviality: from toilet paper to sunshine.

Available at:

2020. SBS Italian radio interview on the future of Italian in Australian Universities.

Available at:

2020. ANU Learning Communities panel session on “University Funding Changes and the Humanities”.

Available at:

2020. Transitioning to university. Australasian Centre for Italian Studies.

Available at:


2019. “Transitioning to university: managing expectations in language classes”, Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities. Available at:


2019. ANU Podcast “This Academic’s Life”.

Available at:

2018. “Work and culture among sessional staff in language departments”, Australasian Centre for Italian Studies website.

Available at:

2018. Presentation on ‘languages in crisis’: Modern Language Teaching Association Italian Network.

Available at:

2018. Visit to Gunghalin College, Canberra:

Available at:

2018. Visit to Narrabundah College, Canberra:

Available at: 


2017. “Language Variation in Renaissance Italy”, Australasian Centre for Italian Studies website.

Available at: 


2017. “Remove Barriers and Languages will flourish”, Humtank (Swedish think tank for the Humanities) website. Available at:


2015. “Access Granted: Modern Languages and Issues of Accessibility at University”, Australasian Centre for Italian Studies website. Available at:

2015. Book launch for Canon Raffaele Martelli: “Recognition due for Salvado”.

2013. “Tuscany Meets Milan @ Datini Office™ 1382”, Australasian Centre for Italian Studies website. Available at:


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